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Las Vegas vacation is not only just for grownups but also for kids now. Over the last decade, Las Vegas has become a more kid-friendly family vacation spot that most people think. For all of you who have always wanted to go to Las Vegas for family vacation but were reluctant considering not having anything attractive for kids, the good deal is that now you can pack your bags and head out to the "city that never sleeps" with kids and family.
Following are some of the most famous attractions which have been proven as classic examples of a myriad of fun activities that entire family can enjoy without any age limitation.
Circus Circus Hotel offers more activities for adults and kids compare to any other hotel on the strip. This hotel not only offers circus acts but also includes the carnival midway. Carnival midway includes all games you remember as from your childhood local county fairs.
Adventuredome theme park is an indoor attraction which features a roller coaster called the Canyon Blaster as well as other rides that will let you hang upside down in the air to refresh the scream of your life all over again. It also includes a FREE clown shows, known as FREE Las Vegas show.
Mandalay Bay houses one of the largest exhibits of over 1200 shark species including other exotic aquatics life which includes from small fish to big sea turtles and more. Pass way through dark tunnel gives closer experience with aquatic life to kids and adults. Same time it gives an opportunity to teach kids about the importance of wildlife conservation and living "green". It's really sweet to make your vacation knowledge base as well!
The IMAX Theater at the Luxor Hotel offers 7-story screen with speakers stretching across the theatre. Dinosaurs Alive, The Lions: Roar of the Kalahari, Mystery of the Nile and Deep Sea movies in 3D are the hottest favorite attraction for the kids as well as entire family.
The Mirage Hotel is known for the Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. Kids and adults can get closer to the dolphins to feed and play under staff supervision. Photos with the Dolphins have added an extra attraction as it has been proven as the memory for years.
Las Vegas covers a wide variety of free attractions for the family vacation which includes the Wild Life Habitat at Flamingo Hotel, the erupting volcano show at the Mirage, M&M's World at the Showcase Mall, Fountain Show at Bellagio Hotel and the Lion Habitat at the MGM.
At last, you must visit New York-New York hotel and riding the Roller coaster. Also, Coney Island Emporium amusement center which consists of over 200 arcade games and carnival games is must visit spot for the family. Just cover all above mentioned places and make Las Vegas Vacation fun and memorable for life.